Phx Area Friends of Open Space


Phx Area Friends of Open Space


PAFOS Google Calendar: click here to see community events for Friends of Open Space

S.O.S. Save Open Space

Stop the Sale of the Kindergarten Center campaign.

Phoenixville Are Transition and The Green Team have joined with other open space and greenway trail advocates, local neighbors and school district residents to form the Phoenixville Area Friends of Open Space.

We are moving forward to petition the Chester County Court of Common Pleas to reject the School District’s petition for the sale’s approval. We, the taxpayers, have already paid for this land. This is our open space. Will you help to fund our legal representation and accurate financial analysis in the fight to protect our land and keep our taxes lower?

We have a vision, we have a plan, we can do it ….
With your help!
Now it’s time for you to act.

  1. CONTRIBUTE to the S.O.S. GOFUNDME campaign

  2. SIGN the petition titled: Save OPEN SPACE in Phoenixville – Start a Kindergarten Working Group to do the Right Thing. If you already have, pass it on to friend of open space.

  3. TAKE the Kindergarten Center Future Poll. If you already have, pass it on to friend of open space.

  4. EMAIL your Council Members and the School Board telling them to Save this Open Space.

  5. CONTACT the Green Team to join the Phoenixville Area Friends of Open Space team.

Today….now, be the change you want to see in the world.