Phoenixville Area Transition Community

Transition is working with Diversity in Action on a project to renew the Civil War Centennial Memorial in Reeves Park.

Jeanne Reese mends trousers at the February Repair Cafe at Technical College High School. Phoenixville Area Transition connected Repair Cafe to Phoenixville Area Time Bank, where it is now an Activity Group.

Phoenixville Area Transition members visited neighboring Charlestown Township to support the Phoenixville Green Team/Sierra Club's successful campaign for Ready for 100% Renewables.

Jeanne Reese plants tomatoes donated by Kimberton Waldorf School Gardening Center. The Giving Garden delivered more than 100 pounds of fresh produce to food pantries in summer 2020.

The Living Landscapes work group weeds the garden donated and installed by Don Pell Gardens.

Satisfied customers pick up their Victory pots at the HEART Center, where Colonial Gardens Nursery and Living Landscapes work group made them available in early spring 2020.

Our Network of Organizations
Individuals connected to these organizations are part of the Transition Phoenixville network. If you want your organization listed (or de-listed) please write to us via the Contact page.
Click on the Partnership Activities to see slides presented at our winter 2021 retreat and learn more about our partnership.